3 minute read

I have a movie I must watch but I don't know where or how

I am a Marvel fan and few days back, Thor Love and Thunder was released. I couldn't get to see it in a theatre because I'm currently not nearby anyone, but I had to see this movie. I've anticipated it so much so I had to look a way to see it, compulsorily!

Thoughts kept rumbling in my head. The movie can't be posted on YouTube, copyrights bla bla bla. TikTok fans can only post not more than 10 minutes videos. I checked Fmovies website but still I couldn't find Thor 4. Should be there if you check now tho.

What is the answer?

Thor: Love and Thunder
Thor: Love and Thunder
I finally got the answer. TeaTV or I don't know... modified as Netflix SV1! That application is a must have!
On opening the application, I firstly forgot about the movie which led me to it. All the movies I've missed. All the TV shows I've missed. All in one place. So I've been missing out since all these while?

I got to stream Thor 4 from beginning till end without any hassle. Though I must say I expected more from the movie but... it was still all good. And funny me! I still checked out for my favourite childhood Ben10 Alien Force. I've vigorously searched the internet for this but I couldn't get it. Though I cringed while I was watching it (probably because I'm a bit too old now).

All Thor Movies
All Thor Movies
This is for my followers who are very great movie enthusiasts. There's nothing compared to a theatre experience (the shouts, claps, the joy) but sometimes we aren't always near one, and people like me can't just be patient enough to wait for digital version (this takes up to 3 months sometimes).

This application is the answer, I'll update it in my Top 10 list of apps later.

Can be downloaded on both iOS and Android OS. However, the android users can get the premium version for free–which is what I'm currently using on my Android device.

How can I get the App

Popular TV shows in July 2022
Popular TV shows in July 2022 | TeaTV / Netflix SV1
Have you been looking to see a particular movie and you can't just find it onnet or you don't know where to start your search, you would definitely get it on this app I'm very willing to bet it.

Android users can get the free premium version here

iOS users can search TeaTv on App store, although it's nothing compared to the android version, but all still the same – watch all movies.


I must say, I finally found an answer for my movie worries because now, I have all movies in the world in my hands. And you can do too. This is not a sponsored post or any kind, this is from my findings, to you. To update you on what's best. This should not however be used as a replacement for theatre involvement because that's the one way we can support the movie makers for their hardwork in entertaining us. Do you like this app? Leave a comment below. And don't forget to stay tuned to this website or check back later. You can also make a request of something you've been looking for since this while by using the comment box. We will make sure we try our best in finding a solution to your wants. And yes, do not forget to share this post to your friends! Don't be stingy man!!

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  1. OMG Thank you very much

  2. Now this is what I call enjoyment time... I've been looking for this so long

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